Large Buddha to be unveiled Saturday in Franklin
Make Resolutions “To Sell All The Houses”
I must confess to Luang Phaw that in the past, I disliked the temple and do not understand about the temple. But after I came to the temple, my life has become better and better and that’s very astonishing.
Dhamma For People :- A true friend can sacrifice his life for you
The good story about true friend who can sacrifice his life to his friend although it is an animal.
Black Magic Baby Has A Girl-friend
The medium gave her a black magic baby statue to bring home for homage. My mother was doing better business for 10 years.Until one day, Korkaew was in her dream and told her that “I will go to dig gold in Saudi Arabia, and I will bring it to you for wealth.” Since then he never showed up in her dreams again.
Khun Yay Timeline to study
More Than Sorrow
If her son was still alive; she would be the rain when his mind was hot, she would be the fire to give warmth when he was cold, she would be the melody to comfort when he was lonely, and she would be the star-light when he looked up. However, she have lost my son which was diagnosed with Leukemia. Her life used to be smooth and now it’s like rock and roll. However, she still have to continue her steps. How? We will see...
Magic Over Sciences
A story of a man who was a very likable, sensitive, and kind kid and turned to be so overtly fascinated with magic when he grown up. He followed one of a magician master to study more on magic and disappeared for 3 years since then. His mom really missed and worried about him. Is he still alive? Are magic acts considered deceiving acts? Is it a proper profession according to Buddhism?
The Schedule of Dhammakaya Vijja Master Day
The Merit Has Been Performed…Why Does The Kamma Follow Me?
ชีวิตในครอบครัวของหญิงคนหนึ่ง...คุณพ่อของเธอเป็นอดีตตำรวจมือปราบที่เก่งมาก ย้ายไปอยู่จังหวัดไหน โจรผู้ร้ายก็จะเกรงกลัว ท่านชอบทำบุญตามวัดต่างๆ มีวัดประจำครอบครัวในแต่ละจังหวัดที่ท่านย้ายไปอยู่เสมอ...คุณแม่ ก็เป็นผู้สูงอายุที่ใจดี น่าอยู่ใกล้...คุณปู่-คุณย่า ต่างก็เป็นคนใจบุญ โอบอ้อมอารี...พี่ชายของเธอ มักจะทะเลาะกับเธอ และคุณพ่อ อยู่บ่อยๆ แต่อย่างไรก็ตาม เขาก็ได้เป็นผู้ได้รับโอกาส ดูแลคุณพ่อ-คุณแม่ มากกว่าลูกคนอื่นๆทั้งหมด
Her dad was a first-rate Crime Prevention Policeman. Whatever province he moved to, the robbers would be scared. He also liked to perform merits at several temples. Her mom is a kindhearted person. Her brother is a moody guy. When he was a teenager, he preferred to associate with guys who were likely to be womanizing, hunting and fishing. As an adult he likes to drink, flirt and gamble. However, he was the person who ended up taking care of our parents more than the others.